Right from the start, audio for your production rarely comes in sounding perfect. You'll probably have to do some post production to get the best sound. Even still, let's make sure the audio is the best it can be before it goes to post. Don't leave it until post production.
Softbox Solution for Socket Lights:
Lighting Liquids for Video
How to Make Transparent Liquids Pop
Lighting liquids for table top or an insert shot can be a little difficult, because, well they’re generally transparent. You need to reflect light off of something in order to see and record it right? So how do you do that when it’s mostly transparent. Here's a few tips and tricks.
Storing and Archiving Files
When you’re in the business of creating video productions, you will quickly notice that it doesn’t take long for digital assets to get out of hand. It only took me two or three projects before I realized that I needed to develop a system so I could manage the sheer amount of files I had to keep track of with every project.
Making Stock Footage Exciting
There are times when you need a gorgeous shot of a landmark location. Or a dynamic shot of a jet plane on the runway. Or maybe a high tech office location shot. You can rent tons of lenses, lights and airline tickets and go shoot it yourself, or you can turn to stock footage. But how do we make stock footage look exciting?
Video Budget Forms: How to Build Your Own
For some of you, the idea of creating a budget may be daunting. Where to start? what if my numbers are off? I hate numbers! I hate math! Look I hear you and I used to be the same way. But here’s the thing. You know how shot lists always seem to change when you’re on set, but because you created them ahead of time, you’re able to adjust your shots on the fly? You’re prepared for the curve balls that filmmaking always seem throw at us. Well it’s the same thing with budgets.