
Different Types Of Camera Shots And Angles

Different Types Of Camera Shots And Angles

Knowing the names of the different types of camera shots is important but how do you decide when to use them? Would a close-up, medium close-up or medium shot work best for this scene? Should I use over the shoulder shots for a conversation? And what if the characters are not even facing each other? We'll show you the differences and the why to help you decide what shots work best for your projects.

Storyboarding for People Who Can and Can’t Draw

Storyboarding for People Who Can and Can’t Draw

Frank asks you when a storyboard would be helpful and why, and shows how to create storyboards and animatics using paper, the app Paper, and this new, amazing, free program Storyboarder that actually, really works. OMG, he is not joking.

You don’t need to create beautiful storyboards for the world to see, just okay ones that allow you and your editing and team to figure out if the shots you plan to shoot will give you the vision you see in your head. 

Video Budget Forms: How to Build Your Own

Video Budget Forms: How to Build Your Own

For some of you, the idea of creating a budget may be daunting. Where to start? what if my numbers are off? I hate numbers! I hate math! Look I hear you and I used to be the same way. But here’s the thing. You know how shot lists always seem to change when you’re on set, but because you created them ahead of time, you’re able to adjust your shots on the fly? You’re prepared for the curve balls that filmmaking always seem throw at us. Well it’s the same thing with budgets.