Have you ever been in this situation? You’re set up, ready to shot but you need just one more light for the dark hole in the background. But you’re out of lights or the ones you have are overkill.
You’ve probably got plenty of CFL and LED bulbs. They're affordable and you can get them at any hardware store. You probably have plenty of extension cords. If only there was something, something that would bind them all together? Well there is: the Outlet to Socket adapter.
The very usefull Outlet to Light Socket Adapter
They cost three bucks US and you can get them at any hardware store. Plug one into an extension, screw in your bulb and you’ve got an additional light. If the bulb is dimmable, you’ve got even more control.
But wait. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? They're so cheap I should have a bunch of them in my kit, and it just so happens I also have some extra power strips lying around.
Plug in the adapters into every other plug in the power strip, to make room for the bulbs. I can get three CFL bulbs into a standard 5 plug power strip. Throw a piece of diffusion over it like 216, or a piece of shower curtain or a small discussion frame. The bottom line is you have cheap affordable light at the ready, to use any way you want.
Music & Audio
Intro Audio this week:
Crowd shock.wav
by Adam_N
A crowd being shocked
Outlet to Light Socket adapter by LEVITON
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Manu Smith
Frank Dellario