Holiday Soul Party, Facebook Video Promo

Client: The 9:20 Special

The 9:20 Special needed a very special promo for their annual Soul party, where they mixed swing and soul tunes for a special holiday dance event.  The talent in the video are the event co-DJ's, Jill Kai and my biz partner Manu Smith. 

Manu conceived the idea, wanting to base the style on blaxploitation films we both grew up on (as of course Black Dynamite. Do NOT interrupt his kung fu).

Shot with Cannon DSLR cameras with a Rokinon 35mm and Cannon 50mm lenses. Edited with the Adobe Suite.

Scarlet City Espresso Bar, Social Media video spot

Client: Scarlet City Espresso Bar

15 second marketing video produced for Scarlet City Espresso Bar, for use on Facebook and Instagram. For the final shot, we created a pinball DMD (dot matrix display) version of their logo, and superimposed that onto a Star Trek Next Generation pinball game backboard. Audio used is from the pinball games in their coffee shop.

Intel Core i7 Promotional Video, Far Cry 2

Client: MRM Worldwide/Intel

Each fall, MRM approached us to create a new video promoting Intel based on a hot new game that was slated for holiday release. One year they chose Far Cry 2, with a concept of two rival warlords shopping together in a  safe zone.

The animated video promoted Intel’s Core i7 processor that year, and coupled with's gamer channel, reached over 600,000 views in less then two weeks.

Produced in 3D Studio Max using original game character models provided by game studio, Ubisoft.