Different Types Of Camera Shots And Angles

Different Types Of Camera Shots And Angles

Knowing the names of the different types of camera shots is important but how do you decide when to use them? Would a close-up, medium close-up or medium shot work best for this scene? Should I use over the shoulder shots for a conversation? And what if the characters are not even facing each other? We'll show you the differences and the why to help you decide what shots work best for your projects.

Working With Actors as a Director: Preparing your Shooting Script

Working With Actors as a Director: Preparing your Shooting Script

You may create mood boards to show your DP what look you want for your film. You may play music or movie clips for your editor to convey the feeling you're looking for. When working with actors as a director, how do you prepare? What can you convey to them to help communicate your vision?

Frank discusses his method based on his training with the esteemed directing/acting teacher Lenore DeKoven.

Framing and Composition Cinematography: Going Beyond the 1/3 Rule

Framing and Composition Cinematography: Going Beyond the 1/3 Rule

Most videos on framing and composition in cinematography focus on the 1/3 rule. But the creative art world has thousands of years of experience playing with composition. Let's learn how they use symmetrical and asymmetrical balance, shapes like the circle, triangle, L, and others to guide the viewer's' focus and create a feeling with shots for their story.